Turner / Assemble / Baxendale & Tramway, Glasgow
The Turner Prize exhibition, brings a juggernaut of expectation, debate and ideas to the city’s art scene. An interesting and diverse line up of nominees, this write up focuses on the art of collaborative efforts to animate and confront under utilised and neglected urban space in rebuilding and creating new futures for a place.

A look back over the last year, and moving on…
A quick look at some of the projects Ive been involved with over the last year, some interesting clients.. new acquantainces and friends, and some ramblings on what I’ve learnt and am looking forward to in moving forward…

Nirvana Nevermind hits 20 years old
Cobain loved a lot of bands from Glasgow…and the sounds and melodies of these bands, such as Teenage Fanclub, seem to resonate in the music Nirvana created. As Nevermind turns 20 years old and the lecacy of Nirvana remains potent, I wrote this review for The Northernline Blog and was published on September 24th the day of the original release.

On the banks of The Clyde, The Riverside Museum.. A scottish triumph of architecture
The opening of Zaha Hadid’s Riverside Museum on the 21st June 2011, is another prime example of cultural regeneration aimed at breathing new life into vacant city sites. The shimmering mass of zinc, being a new home for the city’s transport collection, its design playfully symbolising Glasgow’s industrial and shipbuilding past.

‘Dead Calm’ blurring & in-between boundaries – review, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Edinburgh
Jean-Marc Bustamante is a senior French artist and major figure in the international art world. His direct vision is both playful and refined. This review of Dead Calm at The Fruitmarket Gallery was first published on Interface 1st April 2011.