Turner / Assemble / Baxendale & Tramway, Glasgow
The Turner Prize exhibition, brings a juggernaut of expectation, debate and ideas to the city’s art scene. An interesting and diverse line up of nominees, this write up focuses on the art of collaborative efforts to animate and confront under utilised and neglected urban space in rebuilding and creating new futures for a place.

Govan – ‘a reconnection’ photo story in Edge Condition magazine
Edge Condition Vol 5 published at the end of January included some of my Govan images in its placemaking edition. I have spent much time in the last few years involved with various initiatives in Govan that attempt to reinterpret Govan’s incredible past story, responding to the problems Govan has faced since deindustrialisation, with the loss of […]

Govan’s regeneration – protest, riches, collaboration, & gloriousness
Collaborative working has helped regeneration in Govan. Having won Civic Pride award for best neighborhood a new future is being shaped which is threatened by proposals for a carpark. Over the last year it has been great to have been involved with many talented and committed people working towards encouraging a brighter future for Govan. Mapping, celebrating and initiating projects, art led practice adds value to traditional urban development processes.

Govan’s culture – community spirit & becoming shipshape again
The following text and images came out of research following regeneration efforts beginning within the community. My article commissioned by Urban Realm Magazine was published in issue 8 of the magazine in December 2011 Govan Shipshaped PDF It is also viewable in the publications section of this site. Glorious Govan… Resilient and exciting; it is rich […]

Welcome to my website… its intended purpose is to showcase my photography and act as an initial point of contact for anyone interested in my work, or with a project in mind which I may be able to assist with. I hope there is something which catches your eye here and please feel free to […]